Just another day at Woodstock Farm Animal Sanctuary!

We went up to volunteer again at Woodstock Farm Animal Sanctuary and just had to share our photographs (and some video!) of the day.  Some highlights included lots of loving from Seth & Sam, two little baby goats, the never-taken-for-granted attention from Star, worm adventures with one of the chicken flocks and seeing all the naked sheep!

There was a Girl Scout troop that came to visit and we got to chat with one of the leaders and her daughter before they went on their tour.  They told us that they try to eat vegetarian as much as possible, but the mom then said “OK, as a vegan, how do you cook?!”  This was a great opportunity to share our little tips of the trade, and I let her know that my blog has a whole section called “Vegan-ize It!” where I take favorite recipes and vegan-ize them.  The daughter shared that one of her teachers gives a select group of her classmates vegetarian/vegan info (articles and such) to those that are interested, and I think that is great.  Hopefully all of the girls learned a lot and that maybe it might inspire them to make more meat-less choices.

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[youtube http://youtu.be/aFYBuMBlEn4] [youtube http://youtu.be/ZOUVBK39aK0] [youtube http://youtu.be/GZsRjtAMARE]

As always, can’t wait for our next day up there!


Volunteering at the Woodstock Farm Animal Sanctuary

I can’t think of a better way to spend the first Spring weekend than by volunteering at the Woodstock Farm Animal Sanctuary.  This visit was so different from the last time we volunteered — last time it was a cold February day and it was snowing!  This time we didn’t even need our jackets, and the critters were all out and about enjoying the rebirth of the season.

It’s safe to say that Melissa & I are officially hooked on volunteering here!  While visiting the farm for special events and getting a farm tour is great and educational, you just don’t get this one-on-one personal access to the critters unless you take a day and go volunteer.  We had a motley crew that hung with us the entire day — Beatrice, the beautiful white turkey, Timmy the heritage turkey, Star, the intersexed goat, one half of the Emmet/Jasper goat twin pair and Anne, the sweet goat with horns.

We happily cleaned up and refreshed the turkey pens, picked up pig poop in the pig pasture (a very strangely zen experience) and refreshed their hay, and then tidied up the main visitor arrival area in preparation for opening weekend next week!  We are so grateful for having the opportunity to go and give back to the organization that has done so much for our lives, making such a positive impact and life change.  It’s the very least we can do, and we love every minute of it.  Now, when can we come back?!

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WFAS opens next Sunday for the season, offering farm tours until the fall.  WFAS is only two hours from NYC and is the perfect place to get away from the city, trading honking horns and sirens for cock-a-doodle doo’s and moos!  Or, if you’d like to make a weekend of it (highly recommended!) you can book a stay at their new Bed & Breakfast!