Action Alert! Confront WalMart CEO about Cruelty to Pigs!

 Gestation crates are metal cages that are used in pig meat production.  They are very small, so small that the pig contained in them cannot turn around, and can barely lie down.  Use of these crates is industry standard.  A sow will spend most, if not all of her life within one of these crates.  The only times she will leave will be when she is put in a farrowing crate to give birth and then when she is sent off to slaughter. 

Gestation crates in a factory farm

Gestation crates in a factory farm

Please join us tonight in confronting Mike Duke, CEO of Wal-Mart, for the first time regarding the use of these inhumane crates in their supply chain.  Check out Mercy For Animals undercover investigation at  Text from the Facebook Event for this protest reads as follows:

On December 11th Wal-Mart CEO Mike Duke will be speaking at the Council on Foreign Relations in New York City. Join Mercy For Animals as we confront him with an eye-catching protest featuring a 10-foot-tall inflatable pig, covered in bloody sores and crammed inside a tiny gestation crate. Helping us confront Mike Duke will be a traffic-stopping mobile billboard featuring a heartbreaking picture of a pig locked in a gestation crate along with the slogan, “Walmart: Stop Torturing Pigs.” The truck will circle the building for the entirety of the event. It is very important that we have strong showing at this demonstration as this will be our first time confronting Wal-Mart’s CEO.

Most people do not support cramming animals into crates so small they can’t turn around, lie down comfortably, or walk for their entire lives. Wal-Mart does. In fact, pork sold in Wal-Mart stores comes from factory farms where pregnant pigs spend their miserable lives locked in narrow gestation crates barely larger than their own bodies—unable to engage in basic behaviors and denied all mental stimulation.

Following Mercy For Animals’ undercover investigation exposing shocking animal abuse at a major Wal-Mart pork supplier, we are now calling on the world’s largest retailer to require its suppliers to phase out inherently cruel gestation crates.

Signs, banners, and leaflets will be provided. Media is expected at the event, so please dress professionally. Encourage your friends and family to join you at this peaceful protest. And, before attending, please be sure to sign MFA’s petition urging Wal-Mart executives to phase out gestation crates, then share the petition and undercover video with others. For more details about the campaign, visit

For additional details about the event, please email Eddie Garza, senior campaign coordinator, or call 917-756-8130.

Where: Outside the Harold Pratt House at 58 E. 68th Street (meet at E. 68th St. and Park Ave.), New York, NY
When: Tuesday, December 11, 2012 at 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.

See you there!