More Animal Adorableness from WFAS

I know you all LOVE to see photos from my trips to the Woodstock Farm Animal Sanctuary, right?!  Well here are some more, from last weekend.  Highlights of this trip include meeting the new lambs and their mamas and a tender moment I shared with Emmet the goat.

Mel & I spent the weekend helping out with some regular farm stuff as well as helped out with their “Veg-Curious?” event.  It was a great event (with a huge turnout!) where folks could learn about what it meant to take on a vegan/vegetarian lifestyle.  Speakers included Will Tuttle (author of the World Peace Diet), Sharon Gannon (founder of Jivamukti Yoga), Kris Carr (author of Crazy Sexy Diet) and of course Jenny Brown (co-founder of Woodstock Farm Animal Sanctuary).  There was also a cooking demo by Pamela Brown, chef at the Garden Cafe in Woodstock.  A vegan lunch was provided by area restaurants and resources were made available to all who attended.  I think workshops like this are a great way to get a dialogue going with folks who are flirting with the idea of taking on a vegan diet, but aren’t quite sure how to begin.  I hope events like this continue to occur all across the country!

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