Guest Blogger, Amy Wilson: Jersey City’s Westside Gem

There are many things I love about living in Jersey City’s Westside – the park and open space, the laid back vibe, the beautiful and historic homes – but having many restaurant options isn’t one of them. There are very, very few places to eat around here for anyone (let alone a vegan) unless you really love fried chicken or greasy Chinese food. Filipino food also abounds, but it is very meat heavy and it’s hard to find anything at all on a menu that would be suitable to vegetarians and vegans.

So when my husband stumbled across the new spot Sweet Asia (456 West Side Avenue, at Virginia Street), he practically raced home to tell me the good news. Not only was there a new place (a wonderful surprise in itself), it appeared to be vegan-friendly! A couple of hours later, we were off to check it out, and we were incredibly pleased with what we found.

First off, Sweet Asia is what I would call “pan-Asian cuisine.” That’s a little misleading, though; it has a small menu of a couple of selections from different cultures, not the mega-menu of other pan-Asian places (think: Wild Fusion downtown). Sweet Asia has a mix of different cuisines, sure, but it’s a very selective list.

There is Korea, represented by fried rice (alas! none of it vegan!); Japan, by udon soup (more on that in a minute); China, with wonton soup; and then India, with a variety of dishes, many of which I haven’t seen on menus in Jersey City before – or menus anywhere, for that matter. To add to the mix, there are dumplings that are of indeterminate origin (closer to Japanese, but that’s just my opinion) and seem to be completely homemade. And of course the ubiquitous bubble tea that all the local places here have gravitated to, the base of which includes dairy (darn!).

My husband and I arrived starving with a bunch of cash in our pockets and spoke to the guy running the place. His English was a little tricky, but we were able to tell him that we wanted “vegetarian, no egg” food (since dairy doesn’t play a big role in Asian cuisine). There were many options listed on the menu that would seem to fit the bill, especially under the Indian section. There was the Lilva Kachori (fried crispy dumpling filled with green pigeon peas and coconut), Spicy Potato Pakoda (baby potatoes filled with chili garlic sauce), Dabeli (spiced potatoes in a bun with a layer of peanuts, pomegranates and sweet/spicy sauce), and Pani-Puri (crispy semolina pearls filled with sprouts, potatoes and chilled mint flavored water).

Sadly, there were only a few things on the menu available (this is quite standard for restaurants on the Westside – they tend to sell out of what they have and not always restock). We told the guy that we’d take anything that met our dietary conditions, and he seemed thrilled by the challenge. We wound up with veggie dumplings (steamed, fresh, and absolutely delicious), Moong dal Kachori (fried crispy dumplings filled with yellow lentil – a very different take on a samosa-like dish than I’m used to, but very good), and Dal Pakodas (I think? These would be unlike any Pakodas I’ve had before. The menu listed them as green lentil fritters with coconut sauce – picture falafels, but saltier and spicier). Everything we ordered was terrific and seemed to be made in-house. The guy working there served us with pride and happiness, and a beaming smile.

So now we were at the point where you look at one another and say – hmmm, that was amazing, but I’m still a tiny bit hungry. What to do? Go home and snack a bit? Or try and see if the guy has forgotten something on the menu that we can eat?

We wound up splitting a bowl of vegetable udon soup. It was fantastic. Containing as many bright, fresh veggies as noodles, the soup was a really satisfying meal (and at the point where we were halfway through with it, we had descended into gluttony – at that point, we had had more than enough food!). The veggies were a mix of bok choy, mushrooms, carrots, and sprouts – delicious. I tend to avoid udon soup in restaurants because it generally winds up to be a big carb fest with little pay off; this was something very different indeed.

Oh, and the best part? The bill for two of us and a totally waistline-destroying mega-dinner was under $18. Viva la Jersey City!

One caveat that I think is important to mention:

If you are the kind of vegan who is put off by the thought of your food being cooked in a shared kitchen, or if eating something that has an infinitesimal amount of possible animal by-product in it makes you freak out, this is probably not a good choice for you. In fact, you can just skip the Westside all together. This is not an all-vegan restaurant, and while the guy serving us was beyond happy to work with our restrictions, it is possible that a minute amount of something wound up in our food. It’s a risk you take with all not-all-vegan restaurants. I don’t want to misrepresent this place. But! I personally will be back, many, many times, and look forward to sampling all on their menu.

amywilsonAmy Wilson is an artist who lives in the Lincoln Park section of Jersey City. She has lived in her current neighborhood for over ten years, and in Jersey City for about 18. Her artwork is represented by BravinLee programs ( in NYC, and she teaches at the School of Visual Arts in the Visual & Critical Studies program. You can see her work at Additionally, she spins yarn from local fiber sources and sells knitted/woven/crocheted items under the name Type A Fibers ( at a variety of venues in the tri-state area. She can often be found in Lincoln Park, picking mulberries and walking her small dog named Oscar.

A cat named Jimmmy

A few nights ago I received a message from PJ McKosky (Founder of Empty Cages Collective) telling me there is a sweet black cat at Animal Care and Control that is going to be killed the next morning, would we be able to foster him?  Aside from a little bit of a cold, he is otherwise healthy.  Of course, we said yes.

Jimmmy's "official" photo from Animal Care & Control

Jimmmy’s “official” photo from Animal Care & Control

We had always hesitated about fostering cats in the past.  After all, we’ve already got four, two of which don’t get along very well.  However, when faced with death or coming to stay with us, we have to choose the latter!  After we agreed, it was arranged that Jimmmy would be delivered Friday night after I got home from work.  As a solution for possible disagreements between cats, and for Jimmmy’s safety, we purchased a large kennel crate.  I set it up with a litter box, a cozy towel bed, food and water and a little toy.  (Big shout out to Fussy Friends of Jersey City!  When I was purchasing the crate and told the owner what I was doing, he generously donated a bag full of cat food samples as well as a little toy for Jimmmy.  Big high fives to them!)

Jimmmy's cozy set up

Jimmmy’s cozy set up

Jimmmy was delivered around 6:15pm, by the Wheels of Hope.  I caught a glimpse of him briefly before he was transferred to my carrier… a sweet black kitty with glowing yellow eyes, chatting away.  I learned from the driver that he had been on quite the adventure that day, accompanying some dogs that were being delivered to a rescue in Pennsylvania.  I quickly brought him upstairs thinking he’d need to use the potty!  I set him down in front of the crate and opened the door.  My breath was taken away at my first full sight of him – the poor thing was so incredibly thin.

I could feel all of his ribs and bones... poor guy.

I could feel all of his ribs and bones… poor guy.

I tried not to let this get to me too much, but made a vow right then and there that we would try and fatten him up nice and good!  (But not *too* fat!)  At this point, Tuggie (our most dominant cat) has run up to the top of the loft in the bedroom to hide (he does this when we dog sit our neighbor’s dog, Benson).  For being such a fierce little thing he sure is a scaredy!  Jack was also hiding at this point.  Cricket did surprisingly well – she and Tuggie are the two that don’t get a along.  Jack of course was just being typical Jack, hiding under the bed.  Nugget hid for a good while… but then he slinked out from the bedroom and approached the crate.  They touched noses with no  bad reaction!   This all was a very hopeful sight for me – maybe we can open our home to more cats in the future!

Nugget says hi to Jimmmy

Nugget says hi to Jimmmy

Melissa got home around seven, bringing with her a hammock (meant for ferrets) that we hung up in his crate for him.  He was so not aggressive that I had to just let him out of the cage for a while.  Tuggie was still hiding and the other cats didn’t have much of an adverse reaction to him, so letting him out supervised should be fine, right?  Right I was!  He followed both Melissa and I around, looking up and letting out some cute little meows.  I brought him over to the couch where he made himself quite comfortable and snuggled down and got cozy.  My heart burst with warmth and love to see that he was safe and sound and happy.

Fast asleep... he sleeps with his eye open!

Fast asleep… he sleeps with his eye open!

It’s been two days now since Jimmmy’s arrival, and while Tuggie is still being a brat, all else is going really well.  He spends the night in his crate without complaining.  He eats in his crate as well.  And we let him out supervised for several hours at a time.  Yesterday, he even managed to claim the most coveted spot in the apartment for a while – the moving platform/dolly underneath the dining room table!  That is one of Jack’s favorite spots… when he isn’t under the bed he’s on the moving platform/dolly.  You might ask why a moving platform, well, it is a cat person thing… once a cat has laid down on something and repeatedly goes to it, we can’t take it away!  (Whole Foods bags with their handles cut off is another thing that lasts long in this house!)

Jimmmy on the coveted platform

Jimmmy on the coveted platform

My hope from posting this story is that it inspires at least ONE of my readers to start fostering.  I’m telling you, if we can do it in our crazy cat house, YOU can do it.  This cat is perfectly wonderful and is going to make a super companion to someone or a family… I cannot believe he would have died on Wednesday if Empty Cages hadn’t stepped in… I simply can’t believe it.  So please, get in touch with your local rescue organizations and volunteer to open your heart and home to a foster.  Their lives *literally* depend on it.  ❤  If you can’t foster, for whatever reason, please consider making a donation to a rescue to support their efforts.

If you are interested in ADOPTING Jimmmy, please get in touch with Empty Cages Collective (Jimmmy on Petfinder)

Here are some great rescues that are always looking for fosters:

Empty Cages Collective (NYC)

Liberty Humane Society (Jersey City)

Hudson County Animal League (Jersey City)

If you can’t foster, please donate!



A fostered cat is a happy cat!

A fostered cat is a happy cat!

A Vegan Valentine

Vegans are all about compassion and love, so much so that we extend that emotion for all beings!  Here are my picks for compassionate gifts for Valentine’s Day.

(Photo:  BettyTurbo on

(Photo: BettyTurbo on

For the Nooch lover (aren’t we all?!)… need I say any more?  Quite possibly the perfect Valentine’s Day card.  (Vegan Macaroni Valentine by BettyTurbo, $4.00)


Pucker up!

Pucker up!

Nothing says Valentine quite like a kiss!  Sweeten up your pout with a new lip balm.  I’m a big fan of LUSH cosmetics, and their new lip gloss The Kiss will do just the trick!  Slightly tinted and full of goodness, it’s sure to leave a delicious mark on your lover (or kitty cat). (Lush Cosmetics, $7.50, Newport Mall, Jersey City)


(Photo:  The Cinnamon Snail Facebook page)

(Photo: The Cinnamon Snail Facebook page)

If you’re local to Jersey City/NYC, you most certainly have heard of The Cinnamon Snail vegan food truck.  If you haven’t, you need to really get out more because the Snaily is where it’s AT!  They are offering a full Valentine’s Day goodie menu – everything from donuts (I must recommend the Hulk Hogan Fudgie Wudgie!) to chocolate to cheesecake!  Must order by February 10th in order to pick up your order on February 14th in Red Bank, NJ or Manhattan.  (Assorted, $3-34.00)


The Scent of the Wilderness

The Scent of the Wilderness

For those who enjoy the outdoors (or just the smell of them), Juniper Ridge makes a lovely line of bath and body products amongst other Wilderness inspired products.  With scents such as Sierra Summer Pine and Red Rock Canyon, you’ll be smelling like the Great Outdoors from the comfort of your 3rd floor walk up. Added bonus:  portions of the proceeds are donated to Wilderness preservation organizations.  (Sierra Summer Pine Bar Soap, $12.00, online)


(Photo:  Christy Robinson Design)

(Photo: Christy Robinson Design)

Wear your support around your neck with beautifully designed vegan-inspired jewelry by Christy Robinson Design.  Featuring a variety of jewelry (for men and women) and is offering a special Valentine’s Day collection where you are sure to find a lovely bauble for your vegan honey.  I’ve been eyeing her pieces for quite some time!  (Vegan Heart Necklace, $35.00, online)

(Photo: Kayt Hester

(Photo: Kayt Hester

For the art lover, Jersey City artist Kayt Hester has some wonderful animal-inspired prints (as well as iPhone cases, pillows and stationary) available online.  Her medium is masking tape (Yes! Masking tape!) and quite often does art shows to benefit local Jersey City animal rescues.  She also is available for commissioned works (can you say pet portraits?!).  (Kayt Hester Tape, Prints starting at $12.48 / Commissions starting at $250.00, online).

Love is sponsoring a rescued farm animal!

Love is sponsoring a rescued farm animal!

Feel good the whole year through by sponsoring an animal in honor of your true love.  Woodstock Farm Animal Sanctuary offers a range of sponsorship levels, and you’ll know a little critter is well-fed for the entire year.  Commemorate your sponsorship by spending the day with your special critter and volunteer for a day… you could even make that a monthly event, too!  The couple that volunteers together, stays together… plus what could be more romantic than slinging pig poo for the day?  (WFAS Sponsorship Package, $10-50.00/month, online)

And for those who are all about the kink, you can find vegan-friendly boudoir accessories at The Vegan Sex Shop… enjoy!

A vegan surprise at Kanibal Home

Living in Downtown Jersey City pretty much rocks… ask nearly anyone who lives here.  We love Jersey City how folks in Williamsburg love their Brooklyn.  We have Jersey City Pride.  We’ve even got a t-shirt company that produces a shirt boasting “I F*&%ING LOVE JERSEY CITY“.  We’re loud, we’re proud, and we love our city.  I think there is a specific recipe that is conducive to extreme pride in the city in which you live.  And it has everything to do with the perfect mix of community.  We have an amazing community of small businesses, shops, restaurants, arts & culture organizations and we all seem to love to support one another.  I really believe that Jersey City dwellers take buying and supporting local goods and services seriously.  Even though we might pay more for something, we do it anyway because we love our community and the businesses that make it great.

A shop that exemplifies this mission statement of community is Kanibal Home.

Kanibal Home
213 Montgomery Street Jersey City, NJ 07302

Kanibal Home opened not long after I moved to the neighborhood and I’ve been a fan ever since.  Kanibal Home stocks a well-curated shop full of vintage and modern curiosities, hand-made jewelry and goods, refurbished vintage furniture, clothes and accessories, and gift items.  I’m always popping in when I need a birthday present for a friend, or even just to check out the jewelry selection that week as a present for myself.  Their items are often one-of-a-kind, and they’re always adding new finds.  It’s a treasure trove of the unique.  So imagine my surprise and delight while checking out the handbags last weekend…


That’s right folks.  My favorite shop in downtown Jersey City stocks vegan handbags and shoes.  I.  Was.  So.  Excited.  I had no idea… all this time had gone by and I never even thought to ask about their bags!  It took that awesome multicolored handbag for me to even ask.  And you bet your bottom dollar I purchased that bag right then and there!

I was able to stop in yesterday to chat with Kristen, the shop owner, a little bit more about her selection.  While Kristen isn’t vegan, she does enjoy a mostly plant-based diet, which I think is a great thing.  It was interesting to learn that she purposefully chose to stock vegan bags and shoes in the store.  She said that nowadays there is a proliferation of vegan bag companies — distributors are even putting VEGAN or PETA FRIENDLY on their labels.  She loves that the bags she carries are at a great price point (hey, me too!) and that even non-vegan customers are enthusiastic about the products.  Around 80% of customers think that the bags are leather, so once they find out they aren’t, it opens a dialogue and helps people realize that it is possible to get high quality, affordable products that don’t harm animals.  I also asked if she has a large vegan/vegetarian clientele, and she said that she does and is very pleased to be able to serve them as well as keeping within the aesthetic of the shop.

Spring & Summer shoes on the way!

As a vegan who loves handbags and purses, it’s so fantastic to know that I now have a place to go, LOCALLY, that stocks what I’m looking for.  No more will I need to venture to Target and spend money on a cheaply made bag that will break in two months and probably made far, far away in crappy working conditions.  I can now walk down the street, to a local store, and purchase an affordable, quality, vegan bag from Kanibal Home.