An open letter to Lady Gaga

Recently, there has been some backlash against Lady Gaga because she wore a fur coat made out of pink rabbit fur.  Well, we don’t know for sure whether it was real or not because she would not disclose it… which really can only lead you to believe one thing, right?  Gagaloo put out a statement, where she says, amongst other things,

“I want you to know that I care deeply about your feelings and views, and I will always support your philosophies about life.  I do not however support violent, abusive, and childish campaigns for ANY CAUSE. Particularly one I respect: Animal Rights.” 

Whoa.  Whoa.  Whoa.  Violent?  Abusive?  Childish?  Ahkay.  Here goes.

Dear Lady Gaga,

I read your statement about “Furgate”.  I thought about it.  I thought about how I would address what you presented if someone was standing right in front of me and said those words.  I tried to imagine how you might say those words.  I tried to think if you have ever looked into the reality of what wearing fur means.  Have you?  You can be honest with me, here.  I don’t think you have, because I honest to goodness do not believe that someone who has done so would say the words that you did.  I’m a little bit confused by all of this because didn’t you previously speak out AGAINST fur?  And then you were photographed wearing fur while holding a dog.

A lot of people “know” the fur industry is brutal.  But I really don’t think that they know know. 

Everyday you ask millions of people a day to be loving and kind to their fellow humans – it’s time to extend that to ALL beings.  All beings have the capacity to feel pain and suffer.  Not just humans.  What gives us the right to bully and electrocute animals via an anal probe, just in order to wear them as “fashion” or as you said, “museum pièce de résistance”

It doesn’t take a strict vegan to know that wearing fur is so backwards.  Fashion luminaries such as Stella McCartney and Tim Gunn are both staunchly against fur, amongst many others.  People often say they have a “choice” to wear fur… but what about that poor animal who had no choice to be killed (violently) so you could wear him or her? 

Cruelty towards others needs to include animals and “fashion” or “art” is not an acceptable excuse.  What you’ve worn in the past is in the past… you can make a difference choice going forward.  It’s ok.  I wasn’t always vegan – we all had a starting point.  Why don’t you make today your starting point?  Acknowledge your past, and pledge going forward that you won’t harm beings just to wear them.  Our past should not stop us from moving forward towards a more compassionate future.  Let’s widen the circle of compassion and be the compassionate change we wish to see in the world.  Stand up against cruelty towards ALL beings. 

With love and compassion,


PS:  There would be more grain to make bread for hungry children if more people went vegan!


To learn more:

Cruelty-free designers


Learn more about dogs/cats in China that are used for fur & animals that are farmed or trapped in the wild for fur.