Vegan-ize It: Cheese”steak” Sammies

Here’s another great recipe to help you transition into a more (or completely!) plant-based diet.

I absolutely love a delicious sandwich… it might be one of my favorite comfort foods.  Being vegan doesn’t mean you have to give it up, either.  Thanks to many wonderful meat-less brands, the possibilities are endless.  Melissa created this delicious, cruelty-free version of one of my favorite sammiches, a Philly Cheesesteak.  This version is almost like a loaded grilled cheese.  This also could easily be served on a nice whole wheat roll.  Here’s the recipe!

Ingredients (makes one sandwich)

  1. Slice onion, pepper, mushrooms and kale.  Heat a skillet on medium.  Using vegan butter or olive oil, cook veggies thoroughly , set aside on a plate.
  2. Take Tofurky slices, cut them into large strips and separate them.  Add slices to a hot pan to brown them slightly for a few minutes, set aside.
  3. Using a non-stick skillet sprayed with olive oil (or use a small amount of vegan butter) on medium heat, place bread in pan.  Top bread with cheese shreds or slices, then add Tofurky slices on top of that.   Add the cooked veggies last, placing the other slice of bread on top.  You can press down on the sandwich with a spatula a bit, and cover it to let the cheese melt a little.
  4. Carefully flip the sandwich so that both sides are nicely toasted, slice in half, and serve.


Totally yum!  Tofurky used to make Philly steak style slices, but I don’t think they make them any more.  The roast beef slices work just as well.  This sandwich is perfect with some tomato soup or a delicious salad, or since it’s now the season for it, a crispy corn on the cob!

Do you have a recipe that you would like us to Vegan-ize?  Put your suggestion in the comments section and we’ll be happy to make it a reality!