A Compassionate Holiday

The holiday season is upon us and I would like to take this opportunity to encourage compassionate choices for your holiday meals.  It’s easier than ever to find recipes for delicious compassionate culinary creations!  Here at Jersey City Vegan, I strive to help bridge the gap for those who want to make a change but just need an extra nudge.  I hope to make the holiday gap a little easier by sharing The Woodstock Farm Animal Sanctuary Thanksliving Recipe Book that I created for the WFAS Thanksliving benefit.  Within the booklet you will find enough recipes to create a complete and compassionate Thanksgiving meal.  Everything from appetizers to main dishes, family favorites veganized and perhaps something new to you, the recipes will feed a party of six but can easily be doubled. 

Click here to download the Woodstock Farm Animal Sanctuary Thanksliving Recipe Book by The Jersey City Vegan

Me, Boone & Sarah L of A Life Vegan (www.alifevegan.com) Photo by Derek Goodwin

What are your favorite compassionate holiday dishes?