Quack Attack!

On a recent volunteer day up at the Woodstock Farm Animal Sanctuary, Melissa & I had the opportunity to help prepare a site off of the Sanctuary grounds for what was to hopefully be a rescue of lots of chickens and ducks from a hoarding case in Ulster County.  Hoarding cases can be incredibly difficult – quite often the hoarder has the best intentions, but things just end up getting incredibly out of hand and can be dangerous for the animals being hoarded.  In this case, the hoarder continually ordered chicks and ducks via mail order and they completely overran the property.  The birds were forced to live in overcrowded conditions, their little feet caked in feces, and suffered from physical ailments and nutrition deficiencies as a result from the deplorable living conditions.  After some time, the rescue finally happened and over 130 birds were brought to sanctuary.

Before rescue (Photo credit – Woodstock Farm Animal Sanctuary)

Before rescue (Photo credit – Woodstock Farm Animal Sanctuary)

Before rescue (Photo credit – Woodstock Farm Animal Sanctuary)

Thanks to the valiant efforts of the folks at WFAS and with a little help from the Ulster County SPCA, these sweet things no longer have to live in those horrible living conditions!  Check out the video of their first exposure to water, which has gone completely viral!

The best part of all is that these ducks, chickens and roosters are all now looking for a home!  Have you always wanted to rescue some chickens or maintain a little duck pond?  This is your chance.  Even the most unconventional homes will be considered for these guys.  If I had a backyard, I’d totally get a baby pool and adopt some of these guys.  I’d want some chickens, too, because I have learned how amazingly loving they can be.  

If you or someone you know is interested in adopting a little mini-flock of ducks or chickens, please get in touch with Woodstock Farm Animal Sanctuary today!