Vegan Like Me No. 9

Vegan Like Me aims to profile fellow vegans, from all walks of life from everywhere in the world!  We’ve all been beginners and I think its important for folks to hear people’s stories in order to motivate themselves to keep going. This feature is intended to do just that.  If you are vegan and would like to participate, get in touch with me and I’ll be sure to send our questionnaire along to you.

Name:  Melissa Bastian

Melissa B., Vegan 6 years

Where do you live?  New Orleans

How long have you been vegan?  since March 17, 2006

What inspired you to take on a plant-based (vegan/vegetarian) diet?   “My journey began like many do, in a search for health.  I began to research nutrition in the hopes that food would succeed where thus far “”modern medicine”” had failed.  I barely had to scratch the surface to reveal a deeply dysfunctional food system.  I realized that my food was literally poisoning me.

I went through all the phases: the only organic, the local, the vegetarian.  But the more I dug, the clearer it became that boycotting all animal products was the best way both to “”clean”” my diet and to conform my consumption with my ethics.  It hit me like lightning one day on the way to the grocery that I could simply opt out, and I have never looked back.”

What do you love most about being vegan?  “I love so many things about being vegan that it’s difficult to narrow down a “favorite.”  I love not feeling guilty about the food or products that I buy, I love experimenting with an endless array of vegetables and grains, and I love the passionate people I have gotten to meet over the years.  But sharing delicious vegan food with the curious / skeptical might just take the cake.”

What three items do you always have in your pantry?  “Quinoa pasta (yes, it’s a thing!), brown rice, and canned beans.  I love beans!”

What is your favorite vegan comfort food?  “Again with the favorites – I love so many foods!  I truly enjoy a good mac n cheeze or my mom’s pasta with red sauce.  But at my heart I’m a sweets girl.  I bake a killer cupcake and crave fair trade dark chocolate.  And I can’t resist a really ripe mango or peach.  But I’ve gotta say, since childhood my happiness dwells in a good ripe orange!”

What advice would you give to someone who is thinking about taking on a plant-based (vegan) diet?  “I try to provide encouragement to those considering a vegan lifestyle, and I believe the best thing people can do is seek out the vegan community.  Even those who feel most isolated can find a wealth of knowledge and camaraderie online, though boards such as Post Punk Kitchen.  Veganism wasn’t an overnight journey for me – in fact it took over five years.  I, like most people, hit some bumps along the road.  It can feel difficult at first, and is a shift in worldview.  Surrounding one’s self with like-minded people can provide a much-needed support network during the time of adjustment.”

Do you find anything difficult about being vegan?  “Since acclimating to my vegan diet and lifestyle, I find that I live it with ease even when traveling or around non-vegan friends and family.  It is difficult only when non-vegans are affronted by my mere existence – the “anti-vegans.”  I believe that people become offended by the simple existence of vegans because deep down, they know there is something truly wrong – something they actively support.  As with most difficult instances, I try to use these as learning experiences: either to teach the offended parties something about veganism and vegans, or at least to improve my own tolerance.”

Any other comments or words of wisdom you would like to add?  I find the vegan lifestyle hugely fulfilling, largely because I have fully engaged myself in both local and global vegan communities.  I am the proud captain of the Vegan Etsy Team {}, allowing me to connect with amazing, creative vegans literally all over the world.  I also host New Orleans’ monthly Vegan Drinks event {}, write a blog about vegan options in New Orleans {}, and am the New Orleans Vegan Examiner {}.  There is no aspect of my life left untouched by being vegan, and I know that I am happier and healthier for it!

I love Melissa’s perspective when it comes to being faced with “anti-vegans”.  Her advice is fantastic and something I try to do myself.  Thanks so much, Melissa, for the inspiration.

5 thoughts on “Vegan Like Me No. 9

  1. Love this idea of interviewing fellow vegans! Great to see that I’m not the only one in this world.
    Keep them coming.

  2. Pingback: Vegan Like Me No. 9 | Jersey City Vegan | Why Go Vegetarian

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