Vegan-ize It: Omelette!

This week’s Vegan-ize It recipe features the delicious breakfast food:  omelettes!  This recipe is a modified version of the original one that Melissa found on FatFree Vegan Kitchen.  Recipes on this website are fantastic and I highly recommend it.

Vegan Omelettes (serves two)


Omelette/”Egg” portion

  • 1 package Mori-Nu extra firm silken tofu
  • 2 tablespoons soymilk
  • 2 tablespoons nutritional yeast
  • 2 tablespoons cornstarch
  • 2 teaspoons tahini
  • 1/4 teaspoon onion powder
  • 1/4 teaspoon tumeric
  • salt and pepper to taste
  • freshly chopped scallions and dill, to finish
  • cooked kale
  • sliced Daiya jack wedges
  • cooked vegan sausage


  1. Blend together all “egg” ingredients in a blender or food processor until smooth.
  2. Use a non-stick skillet or well seasoned cast iron, spray or lightly coat with olive oil.  Heat on medium-high until hot.
  3. Pour half the “egg” batter into the pan, form into a circle about 8 inches in diameter.  The batter won’t run into shape like a pancake does, so use a spoon or spatula to make it a circle.  
  4. Reduce head to medium-low.
  5. Cover and cook for a few minutes.  You can check the edges with a spatula to see if it has set.  Once it looks like it is starting to cook through, the top won’t look “wet” and you are ready to add your toppings.
  6. Carefully loosen the bottom of the omelette with a spatula before flipping one half over, cook for another two or three minutes.  Top with fresh herbs, hot sauce, or whatever you like to use to finish your omelette!

And there you have it!  Hope you enjoy… I know we totally did!  Have you made a vegan-ized omelette?  Do you have any tips?  Please share them in the comment section.

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