Vegan-ize It: Weekend Brunch

Its Monday.  The weekend just ended and I’m already counting down the days until next weekend!  No better way to do that than dream about one of my favorite weekend meals:

BRUNCH!  First thing that comes to mind for most people are eggs, right?  First thing that comes to a vegan’s mind is the delicious dish we all know as Tofu Scramble.  For as many incarnations of an omlette that might exist, the possibilities are also endless for Tofu Scramble.  Except with the vegan version, you don’t need to worry about all the saturated fat and cholesterol!  Or, the cruelty of the egg/dairy industry.  It really is a win/win.  Here is my favorite recipe…

Melissa’s Best Tofu Scramble in the World


  • Two links of Tofurky Breakfast Sausage, sliced  -OR-
  • 1/3 tube Gimme Lean sausage, crumbled
  • 1 c. sliced Baby Bella mushrooms
  • One block of extra firm tofu (DON’T press!)
  • Approx. 2 c. chopped kale
  • 3 tablespoons nutritional yeast
  • 1 tsp ground turmeric
  • 1/4 c. Daiya cheddar cheese
  • Few shakes of dried dill or oregano, to taste
  • salt & pepper to taste
  • fresh chopped parsley to garnish
  • Hot sauce/ketchup to serve


  1. Slice the Tofurky Breakfast Sausage and saute in a pan with the mushrooms over medium high heat with a little bit of olive oil or vegan butter until browned.

    We like Tofurky and Gimme Lean sausage but feel free to use your favorite.

  2. In a bowl or a large cutting board, use a fork to crumble the tofu.  Feel free to leave larger chunks of tofu and have the texture be uneven – we are mimicking scrambled eggs.
  3. Add tofu to saute pan with sausage and mushrooms.  Add turmeric and nutritional yeast and toss in pan to incorporate.



  4. Add greens.  Cover and let steam for a minute or two.
  5. Sprinkle Daiya cheese evenly on top of the scramble.  Cover briefly to melt the cheese.  Reduce heat to low/medium.
  6. Top with the fresh parsley and salt/pepper to taste.  Serve with hot sauce or ketchup.

    Absolutely yummy.

And because no weekend brunch is complete without a little indulgence, here is a bonus smoothie recipe.

Blueberry Smoothies

Ingredients  (serves 2)

  • 2 c. your choice of non-dairy milk (in this instance, vanilla soy)
  • 1 c. frozen wild blueberries
  • 2 tbsp ground flaxseed meal
  • 2 tbsp chia seeds
  • Filtered water, as needed

    Smoothie ingredients

  1. Put blueberries, milk and flaxseed meal in blender and blend until incorporated, adding some filtered water if needed to thin out  a little bit.
  2. Add chia seeds and blend for another 30 seconds or until incorporated.
  3. Serve.

    Beautiful blueberry color -- Full of antioxidants!

This recipe was inspired by a post by Dr. Greger on, one of my favorite vegan nutrition resources.

Antioxidants + Omega 3's = Nutritious and Delicious!

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