Tofu isn’t scary.

dun…Dun… DUNNN!!!!! Tofu. So many folks get very nervous with the mere mention of it. Not to worry – I’m going to show you how AMAZING this protein is and how it is not scary at all!!!!

What is it? Simply, its soybean curd pressed into a block shape. It can often be fortified with calcium, making it a great source for the vital nutrient (as well as being a source of vitamin B and iron). It can come in different varieties – silken, soft, firm, extra firm – making it versatile to use in a wide array of recipes from smoothies to soups to stir-frys to bar-be-que’d on the grill.

Here’s my advice: extra-firm tofu and buy it in bulk. I’m lucky that my local bulk retailer offers a 2 pack of extra-firm tofu for four bucks. I pick up 2 packs of that per week. At least. You’re going to bake one for use in your salads, one will be your weekend tofu scramble, and two will be used as your protein for dinner a few nights.

Now, some commonly asked questions about tofu:

  • What do I do about all this water in the package?

Tofu is packed with water so it doesn’t dry out. This is remedied very simply. Got paper towels? Good. On a dinner plate, layer a few sheets of paper towel. Place your block of tofu on the plate. Layer a few more sheets of paper towel on top of the tofu. Now, put another dinner plate (or platter) on TOP of the tofu to create a make-shift press. Let it sit for about twenty minutes to drain. OR you can invest in a tofu press. They run about $40, but with the amount of tofu you’ll be eating, it will pay for itself within a month. Here’s the one I have and love it – Tofu Xpress.

  • Do I just cook it in this big block shape?

Sure! You can marinate the whole big block with some tamari or other favorite sauce and bake it in the oven. OR, you can cut it in half horizontally, so you have two rectangles, about a half inch high. Then, cut those rectangles in half diagonally, making two triangles. It should look something like this:

Something to look forward to: recipe for tofu parmesean! But also a great example of what tofu cutlets could look like.

Voila! Tofu Cutlets. OR, after cutting horizontally, cut them out into circles using a small juice glass upside-down…and Voila! Tofu Scallops. Your creativity is key. You can’t mess it up, so don’t be scared to experiment.

  • Tofu has no flavor! Why bother?

Wha-wha-wha-whaaaaaaa?! Stop the train. Tofu can be full of flavor — it all depends on what you to do it! You can marinate it, bread it, bake it, pan-sear it, bbq it. Seriously, whatever you did to your chicken, fish or steak, you can do to tofu. I’m not kidding! Tofu will take on any flavor you put on it. Sucks it right up like a sponge and is totally versatile.

  • Can you freeze tofu?

Yes! And please do. I’ll usually freeze a block every now and again. This will change the texture of it, making it a bit more chewy and a lot spongier (as in, will soak up even more of the flavors you use on it). Just freeze it directly in the container you purchase it in. When you’re ready to use it, set it out to defrost that morning, or run it under some water to soften it up. You can microwave it for three minutes on each side to assist if needed. And then drain it just like as described above. You’ll see that it drains a LOT more this way. So totally freeze some tofu every now and again and give yourself a texture shake-up.

So go forth to your organic grocer and pick up a nice extra-firm block of tofu for dinner tonight. Follow my tips, use your favorite marinade or sauce, and most of all, get creative and have fun. See?! Tofu TOTALLY isn’t scary.

2 thoughts on “Tofu isn’t scary.

  1. Good post!! I’d recommend not using paper towels to soak up the tofu liquid, though. Just because you end up using a LOT of paper that way (think of the trees!). Clean kitchen towels are what I use (until I get a press, of course!!). ❤

  2. Pingback: Easy Thai Curry | Jersey City Vegan

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